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Writer's picture: Mikayla LabissiereMikayla Labissiere

Tap Night 2017

I feel kind of out of my league because I've never sung seriously before. I have no idea what I would sing if I decided to try out ... I don’t exactly have a large repertoire of solos that I can choose from. Should I just forget about it? Abby: No, not at all! One of our senior members had no formal singing experience before New Blue. While this made her nervous to audition at first, she's so glad she did! We have members who have been singing all their lives, which is great, but we also have members whose only prior singing experience was in the shower. We care much more about the way your voice sounds than how often you’ve been using it in public. Singers of any experience level are welcome to audition. As for what to sing - go for anything that you would enjoy sharing with us. It doesn't matter if it's an Italian aria or "Happy Birthday" (we've heard both). If it shows off your voice and you feel comfortable singing it, then we want to hear it! I identify as a woman, but all of the guys’ groups keep telling me I should rush them. What’s going on? Allie: It's all for practice! We actually recommend rushing an all-men's group. They'll give you some great advice, and you'll get more audition experience by doing a practice run. We encourage guys to rush women’s groups for the same reasons. Plus, it’s a great way to meet new people during your first weeks at Yale! I totally missed the memo about Woolsey Jam and didn’t go. Can I still participate in rush? Sita: Of course! Woolsey is just a first glimpse at Yale a cappella and is definitely not mandatory. Check out Dwight Sign-Up Jam on Wednesday, August 29th for another chance to hear each group perform.

I’m a sophomore, but I didn’t rush last year because I didn’t think a cappella was my thing. Then I realized that I actually really want to join a group. Have I missed the boat? Abby: Not even a little bit. A member who graduated recently actually rushed as a sophomore because she realized during her freshman year that a cappella was something she wanted to do. We encourage sophomores to rush us, and being older doesn’t affect your chance of getting tapped. As a bonus, unlike with freshmen rushees, we don't have to wait until Tap Night to tell you that we'd like to sing with you, so you can get into the swing of things even sooner. Okay, so I wanted to sign up for auditions, but then I slept through Dwight. Is it too late? Sita: Absolutely no problem! Just email any one of the rush managers ( and ), and we'll get you an audition slot and all of the materials you need. Why are you making me go on all of these "rush meals" with people I've never met? My roommates are starting to think I'm weird. Allie: Rush meals can seem kind of odd at first. But they’re not meant to be intimidating — they’re there to help you get to know each group's members, get a feel for group dynamic, and ask any and all questions you might have. Don’t worry about trying to impress us; rush meals are supposed to be fun! And we know you might not have seen your suitemates for a while, but trust us — they'll wish they were in on all of the a cappella craziness by Tap Night. I’m on the softball team, but I also love to sing. Am I going to have time to do both? I’m a little worried — I’ve heard you have to sign your life away to a cappella if you rush. Abby: In rush season, the only people who have to sign away their lives are the rush managers. (No bitterness in that statement, promise.) Meals, auditions, and callbacks are scheduled at your convenience. And as for the rest of the year, New Blue members have been varsity and club athletes, dancers, thespians, activists, members of other musical ensembles, editors at the Yale Daily News, and more. We're used to busy schedules. A cappella is definitely a serious commitment, but it will only take over as much of your life as you want it to! I missed a rush meal. I’m screwed, aren’t I? Sita: Had a late night and slept through lunch? Happens to the best of us. We won’t mention any names, but one of our former members missed one of her rush meals. We don't take it personally. But we still want to have that meal with you! Give one of us a call or send us an email, and we’ll reschedule your meal right away. What's this about going on tour over winter and spring breaks? I want to be with my family, friends, and ex-boyfriend with benefits back at home. Do I have to go on tour? Allie: We won't strap you into the plane and force you to go on tour with us, but when the time comes, we bet you'll be dying to go anyway. Tour is a great time for the group to solidify its sound, spend time together in an environment outside of Yale, and perform at exciting venues across the country and around the world. Pretty hard to beat, especially when the cost of travel is covered by New Blue! Oh man, I really don't know which group is for me. How do I decide? Abby: We know rush can seem overwhelming. But the great and unique thing about rush is that you have the opportunity to see and hear every group so many times. Multiple concerts and a couple of weeks of rush meals will give you the chance to see how each group's personality suits you, both musically and socially. You’ll end up where you’re meant to be — we all did!

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